Thursday, October 23, 2008


I just got banned on the Ai-kon Forums. XDDD

The reason: Michaela, Kiandra and I made troll accounts and make stupid spam posts. We thought it would be funny. Also I'm sure I might have annoyed a few people there, including a friend of mine.

I meant no harm though.


For a week.


Oh dear, I hope I'm not permanently banned. I'd still want to be a regular member of the forums. DX

Thursday, October 16, 2008


So I just joined VampireFreaks out of boredom. Well, I was on there before, but I got sick of it and deleted my account. XD

I've been thinking about making a new one for a while now. After all, it just requires my presence. ;D

Add me if you wish. (JHEROME. XD)

Ryunosuke Shikyo, THT Pink Ranger.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So the long weekend is coming up, and perhaps, maybe, if my father goes out for a few hours, I'll do something THT-related, like posting another vlog entry on youtube. Not sure what I'd do, but something for fun. Perhaps a Vampire Knight cosplay vlog....? As Zero?

I'll have to think this over. XD

And Yuki says she's getting closer to buying a camcorder, so we'll soon be able to film actual skits and videos!

Team Holy Taco will soon be getting things underway.

Until next time!

Ryunosuke Shikyo, Team Holy Taco Pink Ranger.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Semi-Old Official Team Holy Taco Skit

Part 1:

Part 2:

Filmed many many months ago, in Yuki's apartment suite, back when Yuki and I were in grade 11 English. Also, excuse the occasional inaudible mumbling. Yuki's webcam isn't of the best quality. (And if she reads this, I'm also insulting my webcam too, seeing as we have the same one. XD)

Our class was given an assignment: we were to create some form of propaganda to promote the character Napoleon from the book "Animal Farm". We decided to make a sweet propaganda video, wearing our new Vampire Knight costumes. We also asked Paul to help us out with the video, even though he wasn't in the class.

We had fun that day. =D