Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Busy busy busy....

So this month looks like it will be a busy one.

Why you ask?

Well, I have NEVER had to do so many assignments/projects in one month.

First of all, for Art, we were given an assignment, where we have to research Leonardo Da Vinci and his life, as well as do things in our current unit called "Reinterpretation of The Mona Lisa". We have to draw 3 reinterpretations of the Mona Lisa, full page, in colour.

In Math, we were given a project, where we were told to take these online quizzes to see what careers we would be matched up with. After that, we chose two that we will look into. We will have to find out what income we would get, what education we'd need, prepare a budget for our lives, and then write a summary of what our lives would be like if we were to pursue this career. I'm sure I've forgotten a few steps in this description, but that's the general summary.

In Food and Nutrition, we have to do a research project on a topic of our choice. I chose "Food Intolerance". It's not hard, but it's STUPID. This is not relevant to me, other than the fact that I am afflicted with a food intolerance known as lactose intolerance. I just find most of the stuff in this class stupid.

In English, we have to write a persuasive essay on whether or not we think Ophelia's death was an accident or suicide. I chose suicide, but after looking into that, I couldn't find enough evidence to back my statement, so I'm going with accident. This shouldn't be hard. I could finish this in a day, if I felt like it. XD

So there you have it, all the stuff I have to do this month. I must say, grade 12 is BRUTAL. Well, it can be. Maybe it would help if I were to manage my time better. DX

Now if you'll excuse me, time to work on those Mona Lisa drawings.

Ryunosuke Shikyo, Team Holy Taco Pink Ranger