Wednesday, September 17, 2008



It's me, Team Holy Taco's Pink Ranger.

I decided to make a blog here.

Why you ask?

Well, one: I'm bored. So I thought "Eh, what the hell." Two: I blame Jherome. (aka, Captain Awesome on here.)

I'm sure this blog will be filled with random nonsense, stupidity, spam, possible 4chan memes, and other such things.

My activity here will most likely be sporadic, in which I will post, maybe, like once a month or so. Or more if I feel the need to say something.

This will be used to gain popularity for Team Holy Taco, to gain us a shred of popularity over the internet.

What is Team Holy Taco you say?

Well, we consist currently of 8 members, each with our own thoughts, opinions, personalities and interests. I am Team Holy Taco's Pink Ranger. Our group titles are Sentai-inspired, each member having a colour, chosen by our group leader Yuki, the THT Red Ranger. We are primarily an improv group. We film skits we have written (but never memorize the script and thus improvise what we know) or just random videos we find amusing. Some of us are also cosplayers. I myself have done a few cosplays so far, 2 of them being Moi dix Mois Mana cosplays, the other being Zero Kiryu of Vampire Knight.

That's all I can come up with so far. I will use this blog to post anything I have to say, or post the inner workings of THT and our little plots, machinations, and ideas for possible skits. We haven't posted many things in terms of videos, but I'm sure that'll change soon. ;D

We have a Facebook group here:

And we have a YouTube account (in we will hopefully post some ACTUAL skits/videos):

Well, that's all I have to say for now.


Ryunosuke Shikyo, Team Holy Taco Pink Ranger.

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